Building Cash Flow Without Cash – Formula 1 Motivation and Education

My little granddaughter just got her first bicycle this Christmas. Now, she lives in the country with limited paved roads or places to make bike riding easier. So when my son and his family came to our house for Christmas they brought along the bike. (We have paved streets in Texas, believe it or not) My son, grandson, and others went out with my granddaughter to get her started learning to ride. They didn’t have training wheels so they would walk/run along side to keep her from falling. Watching this really brought back a memory.

I was twelve years old before I learned to ride a bicycle. There were several reasons for this. One was that we lived in the country on a farm; no paved roads. Very few other kids around had bicycles, in fact, at this point in my life I can’t remember anybody who had one except town kids. I rode the school bus to town where there were paved streets and kids who had bikes, and believe me, I really wanted to have a bicycle and ride it like those town kids; however, that didn’t happen.

Then, when I was 12, my dad moved the family to Liberal, Kansas – a town with paved streets and millions of sand burrs (grass burrs to some). One of our neighbors was a lady who had a bicycle, which I don’t think she rode anymore.

Anyway, she let me ride her bike. I was elated, however I didn’t know what was coming. So I started trying to ride that bike by myself. No training wheels and no one to hold me up & push me along. I don’t know how many times I fell, but as I remember, every time I did, I came up with sand burrs in my hands. That, along with skinned knees and elbows, made me question the wisdom of continuing to accomplish this bike riding. However, I was determined. I finally got to the point that I could stay up; as long as I went straight. It seemed like my hands froze and would not guide the bike left or right. I remember riding straight into a telephone pole. I did learn to ride that bike, then eventually got my own bike. Had a paper route and many other things to go with bike riding.

The point I am trying to make with this boring story is that motivation, which includes persistence, is necessary to reach any desired goal. Nothing good comes without dedicated effort. So how do we apply this to building cash flow without cash? If you are trying to get started in the Real Estate business, or even if you have been in it for a while, I strongly recommend that you get all the education you can about Real Estate, then apply that education. So where do we get this education?

There is an abundance of material available; books, seminars, etc. However, I recommend two things to help you get started. One, if you have a Real Estate Investment Club or group near you, I suggest that you join and attend every meeting that you can. You will find these clubs in most major cities and most of them meet monthly. You will find at these meetings, all kinds of expertise in different aspects of Real Estate. Rehabbers (property fix-up, repair people), Private Lenders, Builders, Appraisers, etc…etc. You can go online to find the location of many of these clubs.

Now if you can’t find a club, I suggest that you visit Barnes & Noble and look for books on Real Estate. Here, as in the clubs, you will find many various subjects on Real Estate. I also recommend that if you are new or having trouble getting started, try to find yourself a mentor who will help you; someone with experience in the field in which you are interested.

If you do find a mentor, I suggest that if you are going to use a good amount of their time – that you offer to pay them a fee for that time. I think a good way to do this is to offer them a percentage of the profit you make on any deal that they help you with. This is a great way to go, especially if you are short with funds, which most people will be when they are starting out. So, where do we find a mentor?

The Investment Clubs will have people who are very experienced in Real Estate and they will have people who are just starting out and those in between. I suggest that you watch and listen for a while and you will find the person you are looking for.

Also, it is mandatory that you stay motivated. This is something that requires frequent, if not daily, refreshing. There are several books and other material you can find that provide great motivation; ONLY IF YOU READ THEM. To name a few:

“Think & Grow Rich”, by Napoleon Hill – The first book I read; it is a classic.

“The Richest Man in Babylon”, by George S. Clason

Or anything by Zig Ziglar.
If you are interested in a case history of mentoring, please contact us and we will send you “The Eddie Nivens Story”. This short story is fictional; nonetheless, it is very feasible – especially in today’s housing market.

These posts are the opinion of the author who is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or investment advice. If such advice is required or desired, the services of competent professional persons should be sought.

Real Estate Consultant and Coach. 40 years in Real Estate, and 15 years member of the “Society of Exchange Counselors”. Land Developer, Home Builder & Rehabber, Mobile Home Dealer & Rehabber. Owned Apartments

Romancing San Francisco (Chapter #3 (part one): Sexual Education)

The weather was starting to change –coolness was coming into San Francisco. As I got to know my friends, and was partaking in the bars around the area, Joe looking for a place for me to stay, I was learning I was far from being educated in the world of sexuality. That is to say, I didn’t understand the world of homosexuality, and in San Francisco, especially the Castro area it was famous for it, if not down right swamped with homosexuals. Again my Midwestern lack of education came into play. I had been noticing a few things happening that was coming to light. If I knew anything in this area it was primitive at best. And for being prejudice, I didn’t even know the word existed. And so I was an unlearned as a carpenter needing an apprentice.

I had went into a bar the second month I had been in San Francisco, about a block and a half away from the dojo. I sat in the bar and drank for about an hour, and a young good looking man came up to me buying me drinks. I thought it strange at first, but back home it was common for someone to buy you or the whole bar a round of drinks, –nevertheless, having said that, as the time went on, he would not allow me to buy him any drinks back. Then he asked if we could go to his place and drink. I asked, “What for…” he said, “You really don’t know?” He quickly found out I didn’t, and I said I think I need to go. I explained I was taking karate at the dojo around the corner, and I was from Minnesota. I do not think I impressed him, other than being a virgin I suppose, in his eyes.

“Look at the pictures on the walls, around and towards the ceiling, the ones hanging by wires,” he asked me. And so I did.

“Now what do you see?”

“Almost completely naked men,” I said.

“You’re getting it,” he commented, “And don’t worry about buying me a drink, but you will be back for me, I know.” I told him I really had to go but I liked our conversation. I kicked myself in the ass for being so dump, when I left the bar. Then I got thinking about the guy who picked up my matches that fell out of my hands the other day, he almost fell over and got hurt trying to pick them up. He wanted to take me home. Things were starting to fall in place.

Under questioning myself, I tried to recall a few more instances. The guy in the bar by “Sammie’s” kept trying to put his arm around me one early evening, and I told him to stop or I’d get mad and have to do something. He just kept it up, and the bar tender didn’t’ do a thing, so I gave him a solid right elbow in the side of his rib, and he fell over onto the bar, I think I heard it split, and the bar tender called the cops on me.

I said:

“Why are you calling the cops on me, he’s the one attacking me, I’m just defending myself,” it wasn’t all truthful, and he knew it, but he was trying to violate me.

“Get out of her before the cops come and haul you in Mister,” he hollered at me, in fear I’d start trouble. It took me a while to put two and two together, and figure out it was a gay bar. Poor man, he was just trying to come on. I thought what next. I left the bar quickly, and watched my language, back then I hardly ever swore anyhow, it was not the thing to do. My mother chased me out of the house at age nine-teen for swearing and I guess I don’t blame her, and this was not the time or place to start.

Year’s later people back home would tell me I was living in a city of sin and perverted people that I had most likely slept with, to include men. I said nothing, for what could you say -these were people from my home town, and they would never understand, I mean never. And if I defended myself, they’d take that as a yes to me having sexual relations with men, and it would just get all around, and god help me with my mother, and you got it, everyone. Again, it was best to leave it alone when I did leave San Francisco.

But as I had learned in San Francisco, it was just a world I knew nothing about, it was part of the times, and it was the way it was. Like old man Mr. Green, it was just the way he was. If anything, I tried to understand, what I didn’t know, which was a lot. I never made protests for anything, Vietnam, Gays, you name it, and life was just too short to get so involved with trying to persuade or change someone to be like you.

I didn’t like drugs either, nor was I experienced in the homosexual world, or for that matter, not all that much in any world besides St. Paul. I had sex one evening with a white prostitute down on Mission Street where I worked by Lilli Ann, I was half drunk, and she was not at all what I wanted, a beast of the raw kind. Another time I had sex with another prostitute downtown San Francisco, she was a black woman, we screwed for hours and she said, “Man, you like to screw, but I got to go make money honey, you can sleep it off here.” She left, and when I woke up, she never took a thing, and I simply walked back to the dojo.

I wasn’t looking to carry on any long term relationship, and to be quite honest, I was wondering why men were finding me attractive, but felt it was best in leaving well enough alone, it would go away. If anything I was more scared to find out which ones were, and what approaching new friends might be of that nature, I needed to kind of rehearse and let them know this was not my preference. I guess it was not acceptable to me to hate, or for that matter beating up people for their likes and dislikes. I would prefer to fight for honor, sport and practice, or safety.

Poetry &
The Ghost

It was a Thursday evening, I had walked back to the dojo, –it was going on 5:30 PM, I had stopped at a Chinese restaurant, ate dinner, some rice with beef and dark gravy and green peppers over the rice, it was delicious, and had some tea, that sunk to the bottom of the tea-pot, that also was excellent. Then again, back to the dojo. By the time I reached the dojo, everyone had left, it was 7:00 PM, usually I got back early to work out, and Friday nights I avoided going back to the dojo because it was Black Belt night until 8:00 PM. None-the-less, I entered the dojo, and sat back placidly against the sofa, the counter to my left, the archway to the gym [dojo] straight ahead stared at me; as it normally did. And then it happened, it was close to 10:00 PM; — what everyone had told me about, the ghost, that is what happened, oh yes, I met him. I can’t describe it emotionally with prose, so I had to write it down after the meeting in poetic verse, I never did give it a name, the poem that is, so let’s do it now, how about “The Ghost of the Collingswood Dojo,” ok? And now for the poem:

I heard him last night

Fitness Education – Why Your High School Coaches Might Suck

While I am currently suffering from long lasting shoulder injuries, I cannot stress the importance of exercising with caution. Surely you’ve heard of the phrase, “No pain. No gain”. So often, the goals of working out are simply to lift more weight than the person next to them and for a longer duration. The lack of guidance among teens is dangerous to say the least.

Looking back on high school, I lifted more weight while under the supervision of my coach, even though I’m much bigger and stronger now. I was practicing improper form (swinging weights) and over exertion, while my diet was simply terrible (no breakfast, bread sticks for lunch). As one could imagine, despite exercising many times a week, my results were poor and it’s not just me. Anyone that is exposed to exercise through high school may not be educated well enough to take exercising seriously. Even high school athletes may learn to practice improper diet and exercise technique.

Every coach is different, but what are students learning about fitness?

Gym starts with having all the students jog at their own pace for five minutes. Thumbs up. This is proper warm-up technique. During a warm-up one should be able to have a conversation, otherwise your going too hard and should slow down.

All students must get in line and stretch. Stretching before a workout is okay, but too much can create micro tares in the muscle fibers which become more prone to larger tares or being pulled. Students should be taught to stretch very lightly before exercise or injuries can occur. More intense stretching should generally be done after work out.

Once or twice a week, students may be escorted to the weight room. Often times, they will have a short inadequate demonstration of how to use equipment and an alarming number of students learn to practice improper form. Dangers from lack of proper instruction are also embroidered due to the peer environment. Simply put, students like to “show off” by lifting more weight than they should, sometime twice or three times the weight. The most common mistakes happen with: bicep curl (swinging the shoulder or whole body), leg press (too much weight), and bench press (stressing the shoulders with too much weight while dispersing the elbows or raising the back). Improper form and over exertion can lead to serious injuries. Students should be taught to pace themselves and use proper form before upping the weight. Coaches should closely monitor their class and make sure they practice proper workout techniques, so students do not continue the dangerous habits outside of class.

Nutrition is widely overlooked by gym coaches. Often times, there is no practical nutritional encouragement. Some students may exercise with little or no sustenance and lack a proper post workout meal (they may have an hour and a half of classes right after gym). This could force the body to burn much needed muscle mass (not good). Students and parents should be taught and encouraged to both find sources of nutritional education and implement healthy wholesome lifestyles prior to exercise.
Consult a knowledgeable expert or specialist before starting an exercise program; otherwise research legitimate exercise programs and watch videos that demonstrate proper form. Make sure your coach is teaching correctly. Failure to learn proper diet and exercise guidance may have consequences ranging from not having ideal results to an injury that lasts forever.

Classroom Scheduling Software for Teachers and Educators for Back to School Post COVID 19

As of early June 2020, seventy (70) countries are slowly reopening their school campuses to welcome their students after the COVID lockdowns. Still, more than 1 billion students are out of school following nationwide school closures. School administrators work in collaboration with health experts and government leaders in creating strategies to ensure safety in their classrooms, putting priority in securing the best interest of every child.

What Precautions should be in Place to Prevent COVID-19 in Schools?
School administrators should comply with their country’s COVID Prevention Protocols to protect students, faculty, staff, and their families.

Other practical ways that schools can apply to prevent infection in the campus include:

Class Room Scheduling

Alternative room scheduling
Staggered start and end of classes, meal times
Allocate space to move classes to temporary spaces
Scheduling rooms, shifts, and reducing class sizes
School administrators should consider using technology in managing their campus facilities. DeskFlex classroom scheduling software allows administrators to optimize classroom scheduling system. DeskFlex online booking software will enable students, faculty, and school administrators to view room availability and reserve classrooms, desks, laboratories, study spaces, and activity halls. Using reservations software can help schools transition safely back to the campus classes.
Water and Hygiene Facilities, Wearing of Masks

Include handwashing practices and equipment
Instruct Respiratory etiquette when coughing, laughing, and sneezing into the elbow
Physical Distancing
Classroom and facilities sanitation
Safe Food preparation practices
Students, faculty, and campus employees must also undergo proper training in complying with the COVID Prevention methods such as the practice of Physical Distancing, School Hygiene Practices, and Wearing of Masks.
When Should School Reopen?
Schools should reopen when they have thoroughly planned their steps and scenarios during the opening of classes. Going back to school will not be the same as usual. Schools may implement their safety procedures depending on the situation in their locality. Because of the uncertainty of the times, everyone should be flexible in adapting to changes to ensure the safety of every child.

Remember that your children are also adjusting to the situation. Before school starts, prepare your children by incorporating play in your child’s routine to deal with stress. Create a supportive and nurturing environment allowing your children to express their emotions. Involve them in different family activities such as cooking, reading, or gardening. If you have concerns about your child, you can seek help with the school’s administration if you feel your child is experiencing specific challenges like grief or heightened anxiety due to the pandemic.

Epazz DeskFlex desk booking software and room scheduling system is helping small and large companies across the world in managing the number of employees returning to the office. DeskFlex’s track record shows its years of reliability and efficiency when it comes to hoteling spaces that allow employees to reserve office spaces, desks, conference rooms, or meeting rooms using room booking systems. The demand for the product is significantly rising with the addition of DeskFlex’s Social Distancing Software that helps in preventing COVID-19 infections in the workplace.

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